Blops Fleets and Fun

2017-06-22 15:29:54 +0000

Hello there citizens of EVE! Should I actually say Pilots of EVE? Well either way hello. Crap that was a really cheesy intro. Anyways, anywho, what was I going to talk about? Oh Yeah


JREX has officially started to host blop fleets (Black Ops for newbies) on a regularly scheduled basis. This means we are adding even more content for not only JREX but FEDUP as a whole. You are welcome to join in if you are in FEDUP and own a covert ops capable ship. Just incase you don't have one and are looking for one to get here are some options.

  • Stealth Bombers
  • Astero, Straios, Nestor
  • T3 Cruiser like a tengu or proteus configured for covert ops
  • Recon Cruisers
  • Black Ops Battleships

As always we are looking for more cap pilots as well. If you have a cap and want to actually use it let us know.


We have had several fun fleets going out every week over the past month or so. These include everything from roams, wormhole dives, null sec fights, citadel timers, and more. We have been slowly pushing while the Caldari still lick their wounds from the early spring push in the warzone. We are hoping they come back at some point and start adding some content and fights.

And Fun...

We have several things going on in addition to eve including a D&D group and some cards against humanity playing. Alcohol and these activities are highly recommended to be done together. We will continue to look for new and exciting ways for our pilots to engage with the corp and Alliance as a whole.

New Corps...

We have two new corporations that have joined the Federation Uprising and those include Align to Valhalla and Alwar Fleet. We welcome these two groups into the fold and look forward to much content and much wow fights!

New Tool...

Thank you to Cylia Selveline to helping out with the JREX website and developing a new tool for FEDUP members to use. This tool will let you check market availability for any item within our main market station. To check it out go to

Till next time, o7, and remember kids... Be kind and rewind!

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