To Huola and Back

2017-05-10 20:45:36 +0000

It has been a while since we posted an update to the site, and I think there has been enough content to fill a post with. We went to the Amarr and Minmatar Faction Warfare warzone and just completely dominated the field. We rolled through the north warzone within a week, and started a campaign to burn Huola. The campaign ended last week with the fall of Huola to the Minmatar Republic.

During this time many dank fights have happened including a massive fight to 'defend' a citadel in Old Man Star. The Citadel was anchored to give us some content, and content it did provide. We were severely outnumbered, but managed to win the isk war. The isk war was won even including the citadel being lost. Below is a video showing that fight from the view point of some logi.

Battle of Old Man Star

Now in addition to in game content I have been hard at work updating the website and tools. The map is moving "yet again" to it's final resting place at /t/map/ in the main JREX domain. This will allow us to track it better and understand how people are using it in relation to the website. Eventually all tools will fall under the same /t/ sub directory.

We now have a super secret meme generator that if you are in system with us, you may see us throw links up from. I am also in the works of creating our own PI tool to show the quick relationship between different levels of materials and planets.

We are actively recruiting experienced pilots, and if you are interested you should head on over to the Application page and join up...

o7 for now.

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